Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I Feel Special

"CAR 232 - Introduction to 3D Computer Art," the computer art class I've learning Lightwave in, is being offered during the summer session here at S.U. this year. To make people aware of this, the people in charge have been putting flyers all over the Shaffer art building.

One of my renders is on that flyer.

I didn't even know they were doing this, so it kinda took me by surprise when I first saw it. I'm not even in that major, yet they put my work on the flyer advertising the class. That make me feel mildly special.

...and wonder if I was in the right major. :-/


Mike said...

Don't rule out switching majors =)

Until they hand you that degree it is never too late!

Will said...

Very nice Hanley!

And Halapy, that's only partially true. It's practically impossible to completely switch your major if you're doing something like polysci -> biology. However in Hanley's case he wouldn't have a tough time switching from film to art-- I believe that kind of stuff is what makes college beneficial. You go in thinking you want to do something and as you try new things you realize you have greater desires to do those things rather than what you initially came here for.

Not saying this is your case at all. Just rambling... ignore me. :)