Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Unsung New Feature in iTunes 9: Video Tutorials!

Along with some modestly (though interestingly) updated iPods, on wednesday Apple introduced a new version of iTunes. They've done a pretty good job of hyping the headline new features of this release - iTunes LP, Home Sharing, a redesigned iTunes Store, and so on. However, there seems to be one new small feature I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else:  video tutorials!

This new window pops up the first time you launch the program after upgrading, but can also be called upon any time by choosing Help -> Welcome to iTunes from the menu bar.

This is genius, especially for people like my mother, who haven't been using the program since (virtually) the beginning, and can barely put together a playlist without some help. My only question is - why did no one think of this, oh... 8 versions ago?

Another interesting note for other geeks like me:  The video playback controls in this new version seem to bear a strong resemblance to the ones in QuickTime X - even on my poor, not-yet-snowy 10.5 system.  Huh.

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